Colleges of Health in Ghana and their Courses
About Colleges Of Health In Ghana
Colleges of Health are designed to help produce professionals to work and assist at health facilities both public and private in the country.
Colleges in this context help train students in the healthcare field for them to earn a career.
List Of Colleges Of Health In Ghana
Some notable names of Colleges of Health in Ghana are as follows:
- Western Hills School of Nursing Accra.
- Public Health Nurses Training School, Korle-Bu
- Ghana Christian University College Accra
- College of Integrated Healthcare Obuasi among others.
There are about 124 Colleges of Health in Ghana where the Greater Accra Region has the largest number, twenty-six (26).
This is followed by the Ashanti Region with twenty-five (25), Bono Region: eleven (11), Eastern has ten (10), and Central has nine (9).
In Brong Ahafo, Upper West, Northern and Western Region, they have the same number of nursing training colleges thus, six (6) each.
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Volta and Upper East have five (5) each while Western North and Savanna also have three (3) each.
North East Region has two (2) whilst Oti Region has one (1).
Colleges of Health in Ghana and their Courses
List of Courses offered at Colleges of Health in Ghana
- Public Health Nursing; Public health nursing deals with promoting and protecting the health of populations.
- Pharmacy Technician; It deals with the provision of healthcare services in the pharmacy with a license.
• Dispensing Opticianry
This is a course that is related to the management and provision of healthcare to the eye.
• Medical Laboratory Science.
It is also called Clinical Laboratory Science. This course helps its learners to analyze a variety of biological specimens.
• Health Information Management.
He for short is the practice of maintaining Healthcare Records.
• Community Health Management
It is a course designed to train learners to monitor and control health-related issues in the community.
• Environmental Health Technology.
This course involves studies around the immediate environment of the learner.
In addition to this, Colleges of Health in Ghana also have some programs such as;
Registered General Nurse (RGN),
Registered Community Nursing (RCN)
Registered Mental Nursing (RMN)
Nurse Assistant Clinical (NAC)
Ophthalmic Nursery (OPN)
Children’s nursing (CCN)
Public Health Nurses (PHN) among others.
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