List Of High schools In Alberton
Check the List Of High schools In Alberton and their Admission requirements, fees, location, history, and courses offered.
Alberton Primary School is one of the oldest Primary schools in Alberton. It was in 1858.
Alberton is one of the finest cities located on the Southern stretch /or part of the East Rand of the Province (Gauteng). Also, Alberton city is situated close to Johannesburg in South Africa.
Quality tuition is the hallmark of Alberton City schools. All the 31 schools in the Alberton city are well-furnished institutions that are capable of nurturing your wards for the ultimate and excellent outcome gains.
A lot of parents and guardians always attest to their teaching strategies employed systematically when executing all lessons during contact hours for an effective course.
Enroll your child(ren) for academic and technical education with ready grounds for practice of lessons learned.
The Province of Gauteng is the pivot and pillar of education testimony. Gauteng hoards the space of best tuition at affordable fees for all levels of persons and workers that want the best in their wards.
List Of High schools In Alberton
Below is the full list of high schools in Alberton
Below are the schools with their area of specialization:
Alberton Christian Academy is one of the combined schools that has an ordinary status in the specification. It is situated in New Market Holdings.
Alberton High School is a secondary school with an ordinary status. It is situated in Randhart.
Alberton Primary School is solely a Primary School with ordinary status. It is situated in Brackendowns.
Bracken High School is a secondary. The school specializes in both ordinary and Technical status. It is situated in Breakdowns.
Brackenhurst Primary School is also a Primary School with ordinary status. It is situated in Brackenhurst.
Cosmo Private School, Primary School operating under ordinary status. It is situated in Mayberry Park.
Eden park Primer is a Primary School functional under the ordinary school status. It is situated in Eden Park.
Eden park Sekondêr is a secondary school with ordinary status. It is situated in Eden Park.
Glenview Primary School, a Primary School operating an ordinary status. It is situated in Brackenhurst.
Glenbrook Junior Secondary (unregistered) is an Intermediate school that operates as an ordinary school. It is situated in Breakdowns.
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