TTAG-ATTRICONS holds first SEC meeting

By | May 13, 2021

The leadership of TTAG ATTRICONS headed by Hon. Jude Apambilla held its first Sector Executive Council (SEC) meeting on Friday 26th February 2021 at St. John Bosco’s College of Education.

The leadership of the great ATTRICONS was welcomed by the chairman, Hon. Jude
Apambilla and he further invited the coordinator to rectify members present to be able to involve themselves or contribute to the welfare of teacher trainees in the northern sector.

The chairman also made the house suggest their action plan for the year. Issues affecting trainees were also discussed among others. Deliberations went well and the executive council members agreed on the action plan made. Also, issues affecting trainees in the northern sector were deliberated.

The first SEC meeting also saw SEC members appointing a new administrator. This was in line with article 21(a,b) of the TTAG constitution which talks about the appointment of an administrator for the association hence a necessity to adhere to the constitutional provision.

Among the three persons who showed interest in the administratorship position, the
the immediate past deputy secretary, Akolmolga Diana Nsopoka was approved by SEC to help run the affairs of the Association of Teacher trainees In the Colleges of the Northern Sector due to her hard work in the previous administration.

The Sector Coordinator, Avokbilla Enoch Awini made her take the oath of office after her appointment. She thanked SEC for their trust and promise to work hard to achieve the set goals of the Association.

The chair and his executive thanked the sector members present for their time and risk
they took to make the deliberation and appointment a success.

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