Level 400 Teacher Trainees faces system challenge in paying second-semester exams fees

By | June 11, 2022
Level 400 Teacher Trainees faces system challenge in paying second-semester exams fees

Level 400 Teacher trainees face system challenge in paying second semester exams fees

The Level 400 teacher trainees across the forty-six (46) College of Education in Ghana are facing a system challenge with the payment of their exams fees.

The trainees were asked to pay for Practicum and Project work fees amounting to GH¢370.00 while at their station of Macro teaching.

Fast forward, the National Secretariat of the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana (TTAG) passed a communiqué to the trainees dated May 10, 2022.

In the released communiqué, they instructed the trainees in question not to pay the for Practicum and Project work fees amounting to GH¢370.00.

The release also assured the trainees about holding a meeting with the Stakeholders in other to address the payment of fees issues.

Recently, the trainees in question are being denied by the payment system. The system is demanding for the payment of the previous (cancelled) GH¢370.00 fees before making a payment for their second semester exams fees (GH¢400.00).

Meanwhile, the Level 400s will resume their last semester on the 12th day of June, 2022.

“The various Universities have not updated their payment system in other to support the payment of the new second semester in level 400 exams fees,” a trainee explained.

Some level 400 teacher trainees have poured out their frustrations after several attempts to pay the examination fee for fourth year second semester (GH¢ 400.00) have proved futile.

With that, it’s been noted that the Practicum and Project Work Fee is still on the platform of the Institute of Education, UCC. Therefore implying that one cannot pay the examination fee without paying the Practicum and Project Work Fee.

A lot of trainees lodged complaint saying ‘the tellers told them that hey can’t pay for the second semester examination fee without paying the first semester examination fee which is the GH¢ 370.00 the released communique has instructed students not to pay.”

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