Ranks In Ghana Education Service, Full Details

By | July 31, 2022
Ranks In Ghana Education Service, Full Details

Ranks In Ghana Education Service, Full Details

Ghana Education Service (GES) has ranked for all employees who work under their auspices.

The Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Education (MoE) works with Ghana Education Service (GES) to employ qualified teachers that have climbed the education ladder appropriately.

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Promotion in GES is hinged on educational qualifications and experience that the teacher has garnered over years. Teachers are promoted based on the above-mentioned criteria.

How do teachers get promotions in GES?

What qualifies a teacher to be ranked?

Promotion in GES is hinged on educational qualifications and experience that the teacher has garnered over years.

Every institution has a constitution or/ laid-down rules that govern its administrative tasks. They promote based on the qualifications one has achieved in the education and academic sector about the position they ought to apply for.

Ranks are laced with higher administrative tasks. Every rank has a stated year period that you MUST attain to be ranked.

Every rank’s task increases in intensity. The tasks of Senior Superintendent II differ from Director General and so on. Occupying any position means you have to face the Public Commission for numerous interrogations or interviews to test your fitness and competence for the position.

What are the ranks in GES?

Hierarchically, this list has been arranged in descending order. Starting from the highest rank to the lowest in Ghana Education Service.

List of Ranks In Ghana Education Service

  1. Director General
  2. Deputy Director
  3. Assistant Director I
  4. Assistant Director II
  5. Principal Superintendent
  6. Senior Superintendent I
  7. Senior Superintendent II
  8. Superintendent II
  9. Superintendent I
  10. Teacher

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