Requirements For Building Permit In Ghana

By | August 16, 2022

Requirements For Building Permit In Ghana

In this research, you will read about a building permit, the requirements attached to it, and how to apply for a building permit in Ghana with ease.

What Is A Building Permit?

A building permit is an authorized document issued by the local government to an individual, company or corporation to commerce either a new structure or an existing one that needs expansion. It is important to note that even demolishing a structure also requires the owner to obtain a permit.

How Much Does A Building Permit Cost?

How To Apply For A Building Permit In Ghana

Requirements For Issuing A Building Permit In Ghana.

  1. Submission of building permit application form to the Statutory Planning Committee.
  2. Submission of a land ownership document obtained from the lands commission.
  3. Attachment of four (4) copies of Architecture drawings which should be signed by a certified Architect.
  4. Attachment of four (4) copies of Structural drawings also signed by an engineer.
  5. The presented details on the application form must agree with the mode of the project to be embarked on.
  6. A soil test report must be presented which is supposed to be certified.
  7. A fire-certified report must be obtained from the Ghana Fire Service which should also contain drawings from the report.
  8. A permit must be produced which should be obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency, that is (EPA).
  9. In the case where the building or the structure has commerce already or even completed, it will be required to provide a structural integrity report

How Can One Apply For A Building Permit?

The following are the procedures you need to follow to acquire a building permit from the local government;

  1. Submission of application to the secretariat of Statutory the the the the thePlathe nnininningmittee.
  2. Vetting.
  3. Collating Technical Findings.
  4. Site Inspection.
  5. Technical Consideration Of The Application By The Technical Sub-Committee.
  6. Consideration Of Application.
  7. Processing of Statutory Planning Committee’s decision.
  8. Development Permit Issuance.
  9. Appealing And Resubmission Of Application.

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