Will there be entrance exams for college 2022?
Factually, the heads of Colleges of Education (CoE) in Ghana at a meeting listed introducing the entrance exams in the future but they have not decided on the exact date or academic year that will commence the said professional exercise.
According to trusted sources, the decision of writing entrance exams has not been pushed further yet.
At a meeting held between the National Teaching Council (NTC) and Ghana Basic Education Skills Examination Test (GBEST), talks on the reform surfaced but it has not been approved for implementation yet.
The said entrance exams would be a standard measure for admission into all the forty-six (46) Colleges of Education (CoE) in the country to admit the required and qualified facilitators.
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The need for introducing the entrance exams was informed by the high rate of failure per GTLE records. Trainees will be tasked to write their Literacy and the Numeracy papers as a standard to measure their interest, knowledge about teaching, and professional willingness to join forces with the existing pillars in making learners great again.
In the long run, NTC sought to measure the quality of teachers right from the admission phase before being admitted into the Colleges of Education (CoE). Also, to make sure the crop of candidates they admit have the will, passion, and go-hard spirit within them to push the high literacy rate/target of the country since the 21st century demands numerous skills in facilitators/teachers for teaching the pupils the best.
Writing entrance exams would be the right step towards making the chalk-and-talk fraternity attractive and pleasing to join. Through the entrance exams, checks will be placed on “sit-down” exams, unlike likely instances where candidates can pay for certificates/grades that will qualify them to gain admission into the Colleges of Education (CoE).
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