TTAG Sends A Short Message To Trainees In Colleges Of Education
The Leadership of the Teacher Trainees Association Of Ghana TTAG has issued a press release concerning Colleges Of Education Non-Teaching Staff Staff indefinite strike and other matters arising.
According to TTAG, their attention has been drawn to the following issues;
• Students in some colleges have been asked to feed themselves until the strike is over.
•In some colleges, the absence of staff in the kitchen has forced some students to partly suspend their academic work to support casual workers in the kitchens to cook.
•Authorities in some colleges are asking the students to pay casual workers to cook for them because management has no money to pay them.
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Under our release referenced TTAG/RLS 22/004 on the above subject dated April 2022, the leadership led by H.E Dzunu Jonathan has continuously engaged all the stakeholders to see an end to this issue. There is some level of assurance that a meeting shall be convened as soon as possible to get the issue resolved as well as some measures to be put in place in the various colleges to ensure the continuation of academic work and a smooth stay for all trainees. However, after we engaged with the local TTAG executives, the National Leadership has received the following concerns which we take serious reservation to:
- Students in some colleges have been asked to feed themselves until the strike is over.
- In some colleges, the absence of staff in the kitchen has forced some students to partly suspend their academic work to support casual workers in the kitchens to cook.
- Authorities in some colleges are asking the students to pay casual workers to cook for them because
management has no money to pay them. - We have chanced on a letter calling for an emergency meeting on Friday, 22nd of April 2022 which we feel is too far to look at the urgency of the issues at hand.
. There are likely events of similar challenges due to the government’s inability to pay students’ allowance
and the feeding components to the various Colleges.
With these current happenings, we cannot realistically perish the thought of trainces’ susceptibility to health issues and other ripple effects on their academics.
To this, we want to state that:
- No student should pay any money for paying casual laborers.
- Actors for and on behalf of the government to take the necessary steps to expedite engagement with CENTSAG to bring resolution to all outstanding matters.
- To aid in solving the same, we ask that, in the circumstance where committal compromise can be made by either CENTSAG or Government, such path shoullfway within tlaborersrtest possible time to avoid stiff differences that may arise.
- The Government should also put up expedient measures in place to ensure the payment of trainees’ allowances fother a lot are in destitute and are unable cater to their basic needs.
Conclusively, we would want to appreciate the Local TTAG Executives across the 46 Public Colleges of Education as well as the management for the relentless efforts in mitigating the issues at hand. We would continue to implore all our constituents to remain resolute as the lead leaders remain on top of issues.
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