B.Ed Level 100-400 First and Second Semester Courses for UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education

By | January 28, 2022
B.Ed Level 100-400 First and Second Semester Courses for UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education

B.Ed Level 100-400 First and Second Semester Courses for UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education

Skynewsgh.com has finally compiled the list of B.Ed level 100-400 first and second
Courses for Uew Affiliated Colleges Of Education.

Check B.Ed Level 100-400 First and Second Semester Courses for UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education

Year 1 Semester 1

Pedagogic Knowledge with ICT & Inclusion: SEN/Gender

Foundations of Education in Ghana

Inclusive School-Based Inquiry

Language and Literacy …Introduction to language and literacy


Introduction to Learning and Applying Number and Algebra
Introduction to Integrated Science I
Social Studies and TVET

Foundations of Social Studies and Technical Vocational Education and Training

Supported Teaching in School

STS: Beginning Teaching (1)


•Social, Cultural and Psychological Basis of Learning

•Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
Communication Skills

•Learning, Teaching and Applying Geometry and Handling Data

•Introduction to Integrated Science II

•The intersection of Physical Activity, Sports, Music and

•STS: Beginning Teaching II

•Written Communication and French Language Usage


•Differentiated Planning, Learning and Multimedia Development for Junior High Schools

•Teaching Speaking and Listening for JHS Teacher

•STS: Developing Teaching I

Specialist Course in ICT

•Educational and Instructional Technologies

•Multimedia Authoring in Education

Specialist Ghanaian Language

•Principles and Rules of Writing a Ghanaian Language

•Phonetics and Phonology of a Ghanaian Language

Specialist English

•English Semantics

•Advanced English Grammar

Specialist History

•Introduction to the Study of History

•Political History of Ghana – Chieftaincy and British Colonial Rule

Specialist Geography

•Biophysical Environmental Systems

•Fundamentals of Human Geography

Specialist Religious & Moral Education (RME)

•Introduction to Religious and Moral Education (RME)

•Introduction to Christian Religion

Specialist Integrated Science

•Environmental Biology

•Particulate Nature of Chemistry

Specialist French

•Nature of French and Communication in Specific Context

•Junior High School French Curriculum

•Introduction to linguistics in French

Specialist SEN

•Communication Modes for Learners with Special Educational Needs

•Laws and Policies in Special Needs Education

Specialist Mathematics

•Theories in the Learning of Mathematics (Junior High

•Learning, Teaching and Applying Further Algebra

Specialist Music and Dance

•Dance Drama Composition

•Principles and Techniques of Music Composition

Specialist Physical Education

•Content and Foundational Knowledge in Physical Education

•Physical Education Curriculum and Organisation of School Sports

Specialist Social Studies

•Introduction to Social Studies

•Population and Economic Development in Ghana


•Historical Development, Tools and Materials in Agriculture

•Environmental Effects on Agriculture and Entrepreneurship

Specialist Home Economics

•Philosophical Foundations of Home •Economics

•Manipulative Processes and Skills in Home Economics

Specialist Technical

•Introduction to Graphic Communication

•Design and Realisation I

•Metal and Automotive Technology I

•Wood Technology I

Specialist Visual Arts

•History and Philosophical Foundations of Visual Arts

•Concepts and Foundational Skills in Drawing

•Introduction to 3-Dimensional Art

•Introduction to 2-Dimensional Art

•Cumulative Semester Total for Visual Arts

B.Ed Level 100-400 First and Second Semester Courses for UEW Affiliated Colleges Of Education


•Psychological Basis for Differentiated Assessment for Junior High Schools

•Teaching Reading and Writing for JHS

•STS: Developing Teaching II

Specialist ICT

Data Communication and Computer Networking

Application Development in Education

Specialist Ghanaian Language

•Written Literature of a Ghanaian Language

•Morphology and Syntax of a Ghanaian Language

Specialist English

•Teaching English Studies in Prose, Poetry & Drama

Specialist French

•Methods of Teaching and Assessing French

•Francophone African Literature and Culture

•Phonetics and Phonology in French

Specialist Mathematics

•Teaching and Assessing Junior High School Mathematics (Introductory)

•Learning, Teaching, and Applying Euclidean Geometry and Trigonometry

Specialist Integrated Science

•Introduction to Mechanics (Physics)

•Biology Around Us

•Specialist Music & Dance

•Policy Document and Syllabus Analysis for JHS

•Further Principles and Techniques in Music Composition

Specialist Physical Education

Policy Document and Syllabus Analysis for JHS

•Physical Activity for Healthy Living

Specialist History

•Political History of Ghana after Independence

Socio-cultural History of Ghana

Specialist Geography

•Map Use and Interpretation

•Theory and Practice of Geography

Specialist Religious & Moral Education (RME)

•Introduction to Islamic Religion

•Pedagogies and Approaches for Teaching RME

Specialist SEN

•Related Services in Special Needs Education

•Assistive and Adaptive Technologies

Specialist Social Studies

•Socio-Economic Development in Ghana

•Governance and Citizenship

Specialist Agriculture

•Agricultural Policies and Associations

•Agricultural Resources and Technology

•Home Economics

•Application of Theories and Principles in Clothing and Textiles

•Application of Theories and Principles in Food and Nutrition

Specialist Technical

•Design and Realisation II

•Engineering Drawing

•Construction Technology I

•Basic Electricals and Electronics

Specialist Visual Arts

•Idea Development Composition and Creative Expressions

•Figure and Perspective Drawing

•Curriculum Studies in Visual Arts


•Guidance and Counselling for Junior High Schools
•English Language Curriculum for JHS

•STS: Embedding Teaching I

Specialist ICT

•Database Systems and Software Development

Web and Mobile Applications Development in Education

Specialist Ghanaian Language

Comprehension and Summary of a Ghanaian Language

Advanced Grammar of a Ghanaian Language

Specialist English



Specialist French

•Morphology and Syntax of French

•Vocabulary and French Orthography

Specialist Mathematics

•Teaching and Assessing Junior High School Mathematics (Intermediate)

•Learning, Teaching and Applying Calculus

Specialist Integrated Science

•Energy and Force Fields

•Preparing to Teach Integrated Science

Specialist History

•Curriculum and Assessment in History

Economic History of Ghana: Pre-Colonial to the End of the Colonial Period

Specialist Geography

•Weather and Climate

•Regional Geography of Africa

Specialist Religious & Moral Education (RME)

•Introduction to African Traditional Religion

•JHS RME Content and Pedagogies I

Specialist SEN

•Inclusive Teaching Strategies

•Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Specialist Music and Dance

•ICT Integration, Equipment Maintenance in Music and

•Performance Practice – African Dance Genres & Art Music

Specialism Physical Education

•Practice and Coaching Limited Contact Sports

•Entrepreneurial and Life Skills through Sports

Specialist Social Studies

•Environmental and Social Issues in Contemporary Ghana

•Conflict Management and Peace Building

Specialist Agriculture

•Scientific Approaches to Solving Agricultural Problems

•Sustainable Agricultural Practices

Home Economics

•Processes and Procedures in Clothing and Textiles

•Processes and Procedures in Food and Nutrition

Specialist Technical

•Design and Realisation III

•Building Drawing

•Metal and Automotive Technology II

•Wood Technology II

•Construction Technology II

•Electrical Machines

Specialist Visual Arts10

•Introduction to Basketry

•Introduction to Pottery and Ceramics

•Introduction to Leatherworks

•Introduction to Jewelry and Beadmaking

•Introduction to Sculpture

•Introduction to Picture Making

•Introduction Graphic Design

•Introduction to Textile Design

•Methods of Teaching Visual Arts

•Professional Ethics and the Visual Arts Practitioner


•Inquiry and Action Research for Junior High Schools

•Literacy Across the Curriculum for JHS

•STS: Embedding Teaching II

Specialist ICT

•Technology Leadership and Management

•Customs and Institutions of a Ghanaian Language

Specialist English

•Phonetics & Phonology of English

Specialist French

•Listening Comprehension and Textual Analysis in French

•Socio-linguistics and Language Policy in French11

Specialist History

•Economic History of Ghana – The Post-Independence Era

Specialist Geography

•Geography Curriculum and Pedagogy

Specialist Religious and Moral Education (RME)

•Junior High School RME Content and Pedagogies II

Specialist Integrated Science

Teaching Strategies and Assessments

Specialist Mathematics

Teaching and Assessing Junior High Mathematics (Advanced)

Specialist Social Studies

•Assessment Techniques in Social Studies

•Autism Spectrum Disorders and Specific Learning

Specialist Music and Dance

•Assessment and STS preparatory activities in Music and

Specialist Physical Education

•Measuring Physical Activity and Assessment of Learning

Specialist Agriculture

•Assessment Techniques in Agriculture

Home Economics

•Assessment Techniques in Home Economics

Specialist Technical

•Assessment Techniques in Technical Education

•Entrepreneurship in Technical Education

Specialist Visual Arts12

•Studio Practice in Picture Making

•Studio Practice in Graphic Design

•Studio Practice in Textile Design

.Assessment Techniques in Visual Arts


•Extending Teaching I (Internship)

•Portfolio Development

•Action Research Project


•School Administration and Management

•STS: Extending Teaching II (Post-Internship)

Specialist ICT

•Laboratory Management and PC

•Legal and Security Issues in ICT

Specialist French

•Discourse Analysis and Translation in French

•Advanced Communication Skills in French

Specialist Ghanaian Language

•Translation Practice

•Creative Writing in a Ghanaian Language

Specialist English

•African Literature

•Varieties of English

Specialist History

•History of Arts, Science, and Technology in Ghana

•History of Gender and Culture in Ghana

Specialist Geography

•Physical Geography

•Population, Environment, and Development

Specialist Religious and Moral Education (RME)

•Theories of Religious and Moral

•Critical Issues in Moral Education

Specialist Science

•Chemistry Around Us

•Properties of Matter and Electromagnetism

Specialist Mathematics

•Learning, Teaching and Applying Analytical Geometry

•Learning, Teaching and Applying Data

Specialist Music and Dance

•Advanced Music Technology

Professional Development in Advocacy in PES and Music

Specialist Physical Education

•Practice and Coaching Full and Non-contact sports

•Professional Development and Advocacy in Physical Education, Sports and Music and Dance

Specialist SEN

•Advanced Communication Modes for
Learners with Special Educational Needs

•Teaching Learners with Multiple Disabilities

Specialist Social Studies

•Regional Integration and International

•Youth and National Development

Specialist Agriculture

•Agribusiness Management

•Agricultural Project

•Home Economics

•Product Development in Home Economics

•Enterprise Management in Home Economics

Specialist Technical

•Final Project Work (Technical)

Metal and Automotive Technology III

Wood Technology III

Construction Technology III

Power Generation, Transmission and
Domestic Installation

Specialist Visual Arts

•Studio Practice in Basketry (3D)

•Studio Practice in Jewellery and Beadmaking

•Studio Practice in Leatherworks (3D)

•Studio Practice in Pottery and Ceramics (3D)

•Studio Practice in Sculpture (3D)

•Developing Enterprise Skills in Visual Arts

•Project Work in Visual Arts

•Cumulative Semester Total for Visual Arts

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