Salaries of Colleges Of Education Tutors in Ghana 2023

By | August 5, 2022
Salaries of Colleges Of Education Tutors in Ghana 2022

Salaries of Colleges Of Education Tutors in Ghana 2023

Salaries of Colleges Of Education Tutors in Ghana 2023; Tutors in Ghana are paid an estimated monthly salary of GH¢1,900.00 to GH¢6,000.00 on average pay. Other benefits are there to be enjoyed by Tutors.

We have gathered facts on issues around the exact amount of money Tutors are paid monthly in Colleges of Education.

Keep reading our facts in a systematic format right from who a Tutor is, tutors’ qualifications, and what warrants their monthly salary. etc

Who are Tutors?

Tutors in the context of Colleges of Education simply talk about persons who teach teacher trainees. According to Wikipedia, a tutor teaches another (usually called a student, learner, or tutee) in a one-on-one or small-group interaction.

Who qualifies to be a tutor?


Currently, all the 46 Colleges of Education in Ghana will award teacher trainees a Degree after completing their 4-year studies. In simple terms, it means tutors MUST be certificated higher than their students. Their qualification should be higher than their Degree.

Do higher rank tutors earn more salary?

Yes. They earn higher salaries. Just as enjoygher you go the better you feel. A Tutor holding Ph.D. MUST be paid higher than the Tutor holding MSc in the same e profession.

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Also, the affiliated institutions that the Tutor is working for enjoy other benefits as incentives as compared to others which might bring a slight difference in monthly salary when the average is calculated.

What is the salary of Tutors?

Typically, a Tutor in Ghana is paid on an estimated monthly from GH¢1,900.00 to GH¢6,000.00 as average pay. Other benefits are there to be enjoyed by Tutors.

If you need fat and creamy salary as a Tutor, then, the only guarantee is to climb the rank ladder through education and further studies to achieve the rank.

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