How To Apply For A Driving License In Ghana
What Is A Driving License
A driving license is a legal document of authorization confirming an individual to operate vehicles such as cars, buses, and motorcycles among others.
There are six distinct types of driving licenses depending on the kind of vehicle you are registering.
What Are The Requirements For Acquiring A Driving License?
The vehicle owner must submit the following documents;
• Appropriate documents from the Custom’s office.
• Must provide two (2) colored passport-sized photos of the applicant.
• Must provide a Personal Identification Card.
Apart from the requirements stated above, the applicant must also provide the following;
• The Proposed Personalised Number.
• Vehicle Number.
• The Current Registration Number.
Procedures Involved In Acquiring A DVLA License In Ghana
1) Applicant must present the vehicle for examination.
2) Must provide a Customs Document.
3) Provide all other documents for inspection.
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4) Applicant must pay the required fees as stated.
5) Acquisition of Form A and VRC for signing.
6) Applicant should return the completed forms to the DVLA office for processing.
7) A registration number will be assigned to the applicant with a number plate.
8) Applicant will then obtain a roadworthiness certificate together with the copies of registration documents.
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