Salaries Of Midwives In Ghana 2️022

By | August 16, 2022
Salaries Of Midwives In Ghana 2️022

Salaries Of Midwives In Ghana 2️022

Midwives are trained to carter for a woman and her newborn baby or baby during childbirth. They help mothers to deliver safely and assist in whichever way possible.

They perform duties that are similar to those that nurses undertake. Midwifery is referred to as a specialist that focuses on prenatal care and post-natal care services. Midwives work under the Ministry of Health just the nurses and doctors.

One might be dreaming of pursuing a career in Midwifery but lack adequate information or no information about the structures of midwives in the country.

This article seeks to provide answers to the following questions;

• How much does a midwife earn in Ghana?

• What is the salary structure of midwives?

It should be worth noting that salaries paid out to midwives in the public sector may differ from that of the private sector. The article focuses purposely on the midwives working under the government.

The Salary Structure Of Midwives

The information provided here is the pay slip of midwives from the Accountant’s General Department.

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The salary structure of midwives is portioned into distinct sections which include single spine salary strucand true, tax deductions among others. Below is a detailed breakdown the of salaries of midwives in Ghana.

Salaries Of Midwives In Ghana

• Single Spine Salary = GHC 1848.00

• Market Premium = GHC 509.51

• COVID 19 Income Tax = GHC 317.45

What Is The Monthly Salary Of A Midwife Before Deductions?

If you combine the aforementioned figures, you’ll realize that a midwife earns GHC 2,674.96.


• SSNIT Contribution= GHS101. 64

• Income tax=GHS317. 45

• Nurses Union= GHS50. 00

• GRNA Dues= GHS 36.96

What Is The Net Salary of Midwives In Ghana?

After every deduction midwives are left with GHS1, 900

To sum I put up, the monthly salary given to midwives appears to be one which can be managed. This is because it comes with bonuses.

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