Special Notice From UCC To Level 400 B.Ed Students In Colleges Of Education, Check Now

By | August 16, 2022
Special Notice From UCC To Level 400 B.Ed Students In Colleges Of Education, Check Now

Special Notice From UCC To Level 400 B.Ed Students In Colleges Of Education, Check Now

The Management of the University Of Cape Coat, Institute Of Education in a short communique to colleges of education affiliated with the University says that Project Work scores for Level 400 students should be keyed into the system by the end of August 2022.

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The Communique further urges Management and Staff Members of all colleges of education to submit the students’ Project Work records y the close of 31/08/22.

Full Communique Below;


Information received from the Institute of Education, University of Cathe pe the Coast, indicates that Project Workers for Level 400 students should be keyed into the system by the end of August 2022.

Based on this update, Management entreats all Staff Members to submit the students’ Project Work records by the close of 31/08/22.

Please, note this:

Kindly inform Management immediately if there is any other concern that may prevent you from meeting the stated deadline.

Thank you.

Gershon K Ladzekpo for Principal/

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