Salaries of Ghana Water Company Workers

By | August 7, 2022
Salaries of Ghana Water Company Workers

Salaries of Ghana Water Company Workers

The area of water management is one of the tedious sectors in every country. All employees at every level must perform to supply water to all destinations across the length and breadth of the country.

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Interestingly, a lot of people keep asking the exact amount of salary Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) workers earn.

Salaries of Ghana Water Company employees/workers are paid based on departmental sections.

What are the departments in Ghana Water Company?

There are a lot of departments working collectively for the success of Ghana Water Company. They are:

  1. Project Planning and Development.
  2. Human Resources and Administrative Services.
  3. Legal Services.
  4. Corporate Planning.
  5. Geographical Information System.
  6. Finance.
  7. Materials.
  8. Audit.
  9. Business Development.
  10. Water Resources.
  11. Water Quality Assurance.
  12. Land and Assets.
  13. Commercial and Public.

What is the salary of Ghana Water Company?

Salaries paid to employees of Ghana Water Company are in ranks. For lower rank holders, their salaries range between GH¢5,000.00 to GH¢10,000.00 monthly.

The senior rank employees are paid between GH¢10,000.00 and GH¢15,000.00 monthly.

The professors receive a salary that will not exceed GH¢222,000.00 in a year. Meaning their monthly take-home will be around GH¢18,500.00

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