Salaries Of Ghana Health Service Workers 2022

By | August 11, 2022
Salaries Of Ghana Health Service Workers

Salaries Of Ghana Health Service Workers

Here are the salaries of Ghana Health Service workers.

Nurses are often underpaid compared with other professionals. They also face challenges such as low wages, long hours, and poor working conditions.

In today’s article, we will explain the amount Ghana Health Service workers earn at the end of the month.

What influences health workers’ salaries?

The salary increment of health workers is influenced by ranks or qualifications.
Workers with higher ranks receive high salaries while workers with lower ranks receive low salaries.


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The criteria stated above is the main idea behind the single spine salary structure introduced a few years ago.

Updated: Salaries of Government Workers In Ghana 2022

What are the salaries Of Ghana Health Service Workers?

A person working as a nurse in Ghana Health Service earns an estimated salary from Ghs900 to Ghs6000 monthly.

What are the salaries of diploma nurses in Ghana?

The current salary of a diploma nurse ranges from GHS 900 to 1400 and above monthly.

Salaries of Certificate Nurses In Ghana

Certificate nurses in Ghana earn – GHS 700 monthly.

Salary of degree nurses in Ghana

Degree nurse holders in Ghana earn from GHS 1600 to 2000 per month.

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